Life Insurance

Personal insurance protection is the human body, the life span of people. The basic elements of life insurance are: the insured (that is, people buy insurance) to the insurance company to pay a certain amount of insurance premiums, the insured person when the event of death, disability, disease, such as accident insurance, or live to the age of contract, insurance companies to the insured person or their dependents must pay the amount of insurance payments.

Insurance industry would normally be said that life insurance can be
Assist the public to solve the two major life questions: First, people die prematurely in case of questions; are two people live too long in case of questions. Why? This life insurance from the main functions of the two talking about. First of all, life insurance can be insured at the unfortunate deceased person to the bereaved family must be able to obtain financial compensation in order to maintain life and to pay debt; Secondly, life insurance can help people save money for future pension requirements. As played by these two tools, insurance products have one big advantage is that, according to China's tax law, insurance claims may be exempt from personal income tax.

Personal insurance, including life insurance, accident insurance and health insurance in three parts. In personal insurance, life insurance accounted for the vast majority (typically more than 80%).

Life insurance also can be divided into the survival of insurance, death insurance and insurance co-existence. Survive the so-called insurance, that is, if the insurance people to live up to the contract agreement on the age, insurance companies must be paid to the insurance money. Death insurance the contrary, if the insured person in the insurance contract when the unfortunate death of an effective, insurance companies must give the designated beneficiary of the payment. Well, regardless of life and death, want to have from how to do? Co-existence of insurance could meet this demand: the insured person is alive, the survival of insurance companies will pay insurance premiums; unfortunate death of the insured person, insurance companies pay death benefits.