How to use meat grinder

Washing. Meat grinder before each use, a simple click wash. Generally speaking, the meat grinder in the last promptly after use are cleaned, the use of pre-cleaning, mainly single wash machines, such as inside and outside the dust. Another advantage is that the use of pre-washed meat will become relatively easy fluency, but also after the end of the work will become more easy to clean.
2, installed. Many people like the meat in each machine after the installation of a complete, in fact, this approach is not desirable. A more satisfactory approach is used every time after the meat grinder should be cleaned in order to form parts for display at the wooden cabinet, or, such as its fully dry after assembly, should not be assembled immediately.
Start with the beginning of the installation of assembly. First roller into the machine cavity, in order to reduce the wear and tear, you can drop a drop of oil shaft Department, and then installed in the roller head, the attention to edge outwards. I installed and then leak to head, gently shake the cavity so that the three closely in line with the machine, and then install sturdy nut to leak outside the mouth, paying attention to elastic moderate, it is too lax will肉沫leakage from the side seam, tight will silk mouth injury. The final twist to the installation, pay attention to the handle outward, will be set into the gap at the post, and then screw on solid screws.
Relatively simple to install machines, the most important thing is to select the appropriate fixed pieces, such as the relatively large wooden chopping board, I will bite at the chopping board, edge after fastening screws tightened. Comparison of force because the meat grinder, so when the fixed fuselage screwdriver is best to use the best tools such as auxiliary solid click to prevent loosening of the course of their work machines.
3, operation. The real meat is relatively simple because the comparative strength, so the best male operation, can also tie in with the duo. If it is twisted stuffing, meat cutter before the first one the best green onions, this effort will make a lot of meat. Wash meat, cut growth, the slowly into (the meat into the more effort more fees). After the meat, but also can be a strangulation onions, potatoes or vegetables, etc. things. Turner said, and this is a disguised form of cleansing, but also can reduce the waste of meat.
4, cleaning. Ready to clean toothbrush, tube brush and other aids, and then the opposite direction will be open dumping machines will drive cavity cleaning out meat, and then the bubble machine to the warm water containing detergent, using a toothbrush, etc. all 11 mechanical cleaned, and then tap water rinse twice. On a cool well ventilated place to control stem.